The Beginning

Tot   June 2, 2020

Thanks for joining me,

Today is the first day that I am actually writing on this blog that I have wanted to start since March(God forbid I pass down my procrastination to my kids).

It’s funny how much you will delay something with a bunch of excuses. I swore I couldn’t start the blog if it wasn’t pretty enough or the right colors. I couldn’t start it without a real domain or a catchy name. However, hear I am. Without a very catchy name or a nice looking display. I haven’t chosen any colors for it but I couldn’t wait any longer to start it. It felt like today or never.

This post won’t be long though, I just wanted to say thanks for even coming to my blog. I hope something here is at least encouraging or insightful. Whether you come once or multiple times, you are always welcomed back up to the table. Please feel free to comment and interact with me. I do bite but since we are over the internet I won’t.

With Love & Intention,
